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Moderate Cushioning, Heel Support, Thin Design

Powerstep PULSE® Sport ¾ length Insoles were designed specifically for use in advanced running shoes during rigorous athletic activity. PULSE® Sport 3/4 Length Insole offers a semi-rigid external support shell with mild cushioning in an ultra-thin design. The Sport Insole series by Powerstep is designed for running shoes that have a smaller toe box that does not have enough room for the Standard Pulse dual-layer cushioning insole. The ¾ Powerstep Pulse Sport Insole is designed to sit on top of the existing OEM shoe insole.

The Pulse Sport running shoe insole prevents and alleviates pain associated with heel or arch pain and discomfort, mild pronation, fallen arches, shin splints, muscle cramps, and more common foot conditions.

The Anti-microbial top fabric reduces friction, heat, and perspiration. The Pulse® Sport 3/4 has a low-profile design to fit better into tighter fitting shoes like cleats, spikes, golf shoes or cycling shoes. Pulse Sport enhances the structure and stability of the foot to help relieve pain and prevent injuries.

Powerstep Pulse Sport 3/4

    • Semi-rigid arch support
    • Heat and friction reducing anti-microbial top fabric
    • 3/4 length
    • Non-slip pad at heel
    • Supports and stabilizes the foot
    • Fits in a variety of lower profile shoes
    • Reduces heat, friction and perspiration
    • Moveable from shoe to shoe

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